Copywriting Course
Write copy like a pro
Get out of overwhelm and start putting words on the page
Want to finally stop scrolling through endless YouTube videos and start actually creating your own copy?
You’ve come to the right place.
Through years of coaching people who want to become copywriters, there’s one thing that separates the wannabes from the pros:
Getting started.
They stop scrolling and they start writing.
“Just one more YouTube video… This one will definitely have the advice to get me started.”
“No, this ONE specific book from THIS copy expert will definitely do it.”
“This Reddit forum will certainly give me the way to start.”
Then, when it’s time to start writing, their mind is blank as they stare at their screens, hoping the words will just appear.
Wouldn’t it feel better to have a step-by-step framework to start and get some writing on the page?
This course is here to help you:
- Write pages like a professional copywriter
- Know the framework for each page so you can write with confidence
- Understand not only the frameworks, but HOW to approach copy, so you can tackle any assignment on your plate
Who am I to be teaching copy?
Hello! If we haven’t met yet, I’m Jackie and I’ve been a copywriter since 2012. I started my copywriting business at the end of my Senior year in college and never looked back.
I went full-time freelance just a few months later and have continued to do so through the past decade.
There’s a lot of confusing information out there about copywriting, so I wanted to put this course together to break it down into simple, actionable steps.
You won’t spend any more time wondering if you’re writing pages in the correct way.
Instead, you’ll know exactly what to do so when you sit down to a blank page, you’re equipped and ready.
Wouldn’t it be better to have a framework to follow and have your research already done so when you sit down you don’t draw a blank? You sit down knowing what to write, you just need to put the puzzle pieces together.
You’ll know what steps you need to take to get words on the page.
Here’s what you need to know:
I’ll be teaching you how to write web copy pages. How I approach them. How I write them. How I formulate them. How I do research for them. How I sit down to a blank screen and turn it into workable copy in just a few hours.
What is covered each week:
Week 1: The fundamentals of web copy and what makes copy persuasive
Week 2: Home and about pages - how to learn the heart of a company
Week 3: Landing pages - grabbing attention in just a few words
Week 4: Sales pages - the real money-maker